Wednesday, 3 July 2013

75 Fascinating Social Media Facts and Figures of 2013

In this digital age, social media has become an important part of our daily life. Most of us check news feeds, posting tweets and do other social media activity before doing anything else in the morning. Social media have become the number one activity on web. Social media platforms initially may looked like it was created for keeping in touch with friends and family, but people have explored tremendous ways to use this platform. Companies/individual entered social media to expand and maintain their online reputation. Politicians, film stars, musicians, singer, sports persons or anybody for that matter have used these platforms to engage and expand. Last year it was around 1 billion people registered for social media, but in just 1st quarter of 2013 Facebook users have reached to 1.11 billion. Here we bring you more such interesting facts and figures about social media 2013.

Facebook Facts 2013

There are over 1.11 billion users of Facebook with 665 million daily active users
751 Million users access Facebook from mobile with 7,000 different devices
There over 10 million Facebook apps and
23% of Facebook user’s check their account more than 5 times a day
74% of marketers believe Facebook is important for their lead generation strategy
250 billion photos are uploaded every day and 300 million are via Instagram
Facebook is available in 70 different languages
1 out of every 7 minutes spent online is on Facebook
On Facebook, brand posts get half of their reach within 30 minutes of being posted
More than 250 million people are playing games on the social network every month
 Pages that get more than 1,000 likes gets nearly 1,400 website visit a day
Facebook is the top priority for 80% people to get connected to brand than any other social networking sites
 More than 210,000 videos have been played on Facebook
Twitter Facts 2013
14. There are over 500 million users of Twitter with 288 million monthly active users
15. 400 Million tweets were sent each day as of March 2013 (
16. Since last year Twitter encountered 44% of growth in active users
17. Every day 1 Million new accounts are registered and more than 11 every second
18. 92% of retweets are based on “interesting content” 28% are due to inclusion of “please RT!”
19. Barack Obama’s victory was the most retweeted tweet
20. Twitter is available in more than 25 different languages
21. Number of LadyGaga follower on Twitter is equal to the population of four New York Cities
22. Twitter’s fastest growing age demographic is 55 to 64 year olds with active users of 79%
23. Average of 200 million monthly active users with 400 million tweets sent per day
24. 60% of Twitter users access it from mobile
25. Approx 20 million user ids are fake
26. Pages that get more than 1,000 likes gets nearly 800 website visit a day

LinkedIn Facts 2013

27. There are over 225 million users of LinkedIn
28. 3 Million companies have created Company Pages to connect with professionals on LinkedIn (
29. 200 countries and territories have geographical reach of LinkedIn
30. For 61% users, LinkedIn is their primary professional social network site
31. Total number of LinkedIn groups are 1.5 million
32. 50% of LinkedIn users have their Bachelor’s or Graduate degree
33. 81% of users at least belong to one group
34. 42% update their profile information regularly
35. 75,000 developers are using LinkedIn’s API
36. LinkedIn has over 3700 employees
37. LinkedIn purchased Slideshare in $119 million
38. Two new users join LinkedIn every second

Pinterest Facts 2013

39. There are over 48.7 million users of Pinterest
40. Pinterest is heavily used by female users with 79%
41. Pinterest is the fastest growing social network than Facebook and Twitter
42. It is now third most popular social network after Facebook and Twitter in US
43. 80% of total Pinterest’s pins are repins
44. 9 million users have connected their Pinterest account to Facebook
45. Delicious is the most followed brand with 6.9 million followers
46. Garlic Cheesy Bread is the most repinned Pinterest Pin
47. Food is the top category on Pinterest with 57% discussing about food-related content
48. American users spend an average of 1 hour and 17 minutes on Pinterest

Google+ Facts 2013

49. There are over 500 million monthly active users of Google+
50. 625,000 people join Google+ every day
51. Google+ is male dominated social network with 67% male users
52. 80% users login at least once a week and 60% users login everyday
53. Every day a Google+1 button is served more than 5 billion times
54. 40% of marketers use Google+, 70% desire to learn more and 67% plan to increase Google+ activities.

Instagram Facts 2013

55. There are over 130 million monthly active users and 7.3 million daily active users.
56. Average number of photos per Instagram User is 40
57. MTV is the most followed brand with over 1.2 million followers
58. Instagram get over 8500 “Likes” per second
59. More than 5 Million photos uploaded every day on Instagram and 4 billon shared since beginning.

YouTube Facts 2013

60. There are over 1 billion unique monthly visitors
61. Every minute 700 YouTube videos are shared on Twitter
62. The figure of hours spent watching videos every month went up to 6 billion when compared 4 billion last year August
63. The interface of the YouTube is available with localized versions in 57 countries, one territory and a worldwide version.
64. “Gangnam Style” is the most watched video with over 1,675,854,966 views followed by Justin Beiber’s “Baby” with 869,389,608 views.

Others Social Media Facts
65. 4.2 billion people use mobile device to access social media sites
66. 15% of total US mobile web users spent time on social networks
67. Social media generates almost double the marketing leads of trade show, telemarketing, daily mail, or PPC
68. Last six months became more important to 21% of marketer on social media
69. Women check out a brand’s social page more often than men
70. 25% of social media users don’t bother to update their privacy settings
71. Users following brands on social media have increased to 106%
72. 23% of marketers are investing in blogging and social media this year
73. Around 46% of web users turn to social media for making purchase
74. 75% of people use social media to find or share information about brands
75. 60% consumer says the integration of social media makes them more likely to share.

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