Tuesday, 30 April 2013

How to increase Google PageRank – 15 Ways

 Increase Google Page Rank
Yippee! At last Google refreshed PageRank. Update started on What is Google PageRank?

Page rank is the resultant of quality backlinks. It is a Google Ranking system which have ten levels, 1 to 10. 10 is the highest one among this. Google pagerank update will happen 4 times a year.
The best and easy way to identify page rank is to install Google page rank tool bar in your web browser. Mozilla Firefox have more Add-ons related to page rank.
15 tips to increase PageRank

1. Useful & Quality contents can bring Natural backlinks

Natural backlinks is best way to increase page rank. It is such a good way. Writing great contents is the only way to get those. Other sites will connect to your website, if your content is good and useful. You do not have to spent time for building backlinks, it will come automatically when your contents are great!

2. Avoid Bad Links

Backlinks from untrusted sites can lose your page rank. If you are using Google webmaster tools it will notify you while Google detects spammy or unnatural backlinks. So you can avoid such links by using Google Disavow Tool.

3. Be on top

Place your links on top of pages. Google can give u better page rank while your website appear on top. If it is appearing after too much links,you may not get good result. For example don’t be the last commentator.

4. Use Dedicated IP address

Every domain name have an ip address. It is difficult to remember these ip address, so that we are using domain names. You should use a dedicated IP address for your domain to make it unique. Search engines can give better search ranking for domains that using dedicated ip. And Google can give better PageRank and better trust.

5. Try to earn backlinks from .edu and .gov

I know it is difficult to get backlinks from .edu and .gov. These backlinks have some special power as it is trusted sites. You need to try to get from these type of sites.

6. Submit a Guest Post

Submit guest post to website that have high ranking or page rank. You can ask for your competitor otherwise any other sites that is related to your topic. You should get one or two good backlinks from guest post. Hire one good blogger to write guest blog is a great idea.

7. Article Submission

After Penguin algorithm update most of article submission sites doesn’t allow DoFollow backlinks. But still some are left as DoFollow with high page rank. Don’t forget to submit unique content.
Easy Ways to increase PageRank

8. Internal linking

Google loves internal linking. This is good SEO technique to increase your page rank wisely. Link to other post or pages of your website. It should be relevant. Breadcrumbs also help for internal linking.

9. Commenting and forums

This is an easy way, Commenting on Do-follow blogs will help to get backlinks quickly. Also you can add your website link as signature. But do not link to low quality sites and do not over do commenting and signature. This may leads to lose your ranking.

10. Directory submission

Backlinks from directories also have a special quality. There are free and also paid web directories available. Dmoz, one of the biggest directory, didn’t accept submissions now. It is really a bad news for every webmasters. Gain some backlinks from directory sites.

11. Social Media Profiles

It is easy to get backlinks from social media. You can provide your website in your profile. There are some social sites that still do-follow. Links from Social Media is an easy and fastest way to increase back-links.

12. Control Outbound links

When you putting do-follow link to other sites, page rank will goes to that sites. So you need to maintain it. Make your comment section No-Follow. Most of blogs have no-follow commenting section. Google never likes do-follow commenting section.

13. Don’t buy backlinks

Buying backlinks is out of guidelines of Google. Google doesn’t like quick backlinks. It will be consider as a spam. Page rank is not depend on number of links, it is based on quality and how special they are.

14. Don’t Sell backlinks

 Like buying, selling is also a bad thing. While selling links, your page rank is divided to other websites. Why you giving your page rank to other websites?

15. Website Theme

Your site theme should be error free in coding, you can use W3C to clean your code errors. Also page speed also affect page rank and your SEO rankings.

I hope these tips will help to increase your Google PageRank.

6 Tips to get your guest comments approved

tips to approve comments
  •     Post comment that is related to that blog post

This is the first important thing to get approved your comment. Read the blog post carefully and then comment on it . When reading it you will get a clear idea of what is the blog post about. Never use unrelated comment . For example if the blog is about “How to improve SEO ” then don’t post comments for “How to make a website”. So use related comments and show the admin(moderator) that your comment is not spam.
You can ask any questions also. This will impress the administrator!
  •     User your real name

Most of people will give their targeting keyword as name in commenting section. In comment moderation time ,the admin can easily understand this comment is a SPAM . This will lead to unapproved your comment by the moderator.

You can focus your keyword in comment section.If your website have similar or related posts , then you can give the link to that page with your keyword(don’t give unrelated links, don’t use the same URL used in name section , use any other URL of your website).
  •     Don’t write comment too short or too long

A Two or three line comment is best comment to get approved. More than three line is good but should be related to that blog post. Don’t write comment too short like “Nice”,”Great” etc. Try to make your comment little bit long.
  •     Use Gravatar profile

If you don’t have a gravatar profile register and upload your photo.Most websites will support gravatar on comments . This will help you to show your photo as avatar on your comment . This way, your comment get approved quickly.
  •     Link to your social profile

Linking your comments to your social profile will tells the moderator that you are not a spam user.You can include your Facebook,twitter or Google accounts in comments.
  •     Use Commentluv if there

Make sure you are tick this option.By using commentluv you will get one more link to your latest post or your favorite post or your twitter profiles!

  • Using guest comments in this way, you can send a lot of traffic to your website.

Every blog authors likes feedback ! So get started writing your “spam free comments“. Don’t forget to leave a comment!

BACK TO BASICS: SEO-Friendly Content Curation in a Post-Panda World

If you're a brand online, today's conversational media world requires you're also a publisher if you have any hope of holding space in the public marketplace. Yet the requirements of publishing are a tall order for most brands. Today's savvy audience has high standards for content deemed worthwhile and sharable. Brands are seeking a way to balance quality requirements with their own publishing resources, and technologies are the key to striking that balance.
Technologies are being built up around content curation. Like a curated museum exhibit, content curators collect, organize and present content around a topic or theme.
Evaluating curation from an SEO standpoint centers around the question of rankability. In the face of Google's Panda-related algorithm factors, the quality of content is of utmost importance to ranking.
Panda devalues duplicate content or over-optimized content (content intended only for search engine rankings as indicated by manipulative practices such as keyword stuffing).
Can a collection of content aggregated from sources across the Web qualify for Google rankings? That's the question we set out to answer through a test with curation platform PublishThis.
We found that when curation-based blog posts contained original analysis and commentary — a version of curation PublishThis calls "Editorialized Curation" — the post saw search engine rankings equal to a "traditional" (an unassisted sit-down-and-write post) on the same topic. At the same time, editorialized curation blog posts took about half the time to write when compared to traditional posts. By incorporating editorialized curation to a content strategy, a brand can maintain high publishing frequency and see SEO benefits of fresh, topically relevant on-site content.
Here we:
  • Explain the new media publishing requirements of brands today.
  • Demonstrate the findings of our SEO ranking tests on curated blog content with the PublishThis platform.
  • And outline guidelines for content curation that meets search engine quality standards.

Why Brands Must Be Publishers

If you're charged with building a brand online, you've got a task in front of you. You're overseeing a marketing strategy with a high volume of diverse demands for content. A team of SEOs, content creators, IT administrators and brand advocates coordinate a website's structure, messaging, keywords, design and user interface — and that's just for the brand's own website. A brand's strategies must also account for brand-managed third-party social accounts, user-generated content, press relations, public communications and advertising. The digital age is a fractured space for marketers, yet there is a vital unifying thread across channels and disciplines: content.
John Battelle, author of "The Search: How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture" (2005) and founder of Federated Media Publishing, is a thought leader in the digital publishing industry. In Battelle's 2010 article series, "Toward a New Understanding of Publishing" (Part 1 and Part 2), he wrote:
"We’re now in the midst of a second and related sea change in how publishing works: social media. We are today with social media where we were with search nearly ten years ago – at the starting blocks.
And to bring this short history to the point: social media and search directly impact Brands. In [...] the age of conversational media, Brands must become Publishers."
Exactly how brands manage content departments integrated across their owned media channels and off-site communities like Facebook, Twitter, blogs and groups is a new challenge to tackle in the conversational media reality. Being a publisher requires competent standards of quality, frequency, distribution and community management.
The challenge for a brand committed to supporting itself as a publisher is deciding how to scale its personnel and participation. A large part of its content marketing strategy will come down to the available technology to aid its publishing objectives.
At Bruce Clay, Inc. we've thought a lot about how we can help clients and brands be publishers within the constraints of time and resources. While they understand the need for content, small and mid-sized businesses aren't typically equipped to support an in-house media team. What they need is a tool or platform that:
  • Allows for frequent publishing of content
  • Generates content their audience will find topically relevant and interesting
  • Creates content with SEO ranking potential

An SEO Test of Curated Content

"Curation" is a dirty word among some SEOs and content marketers. How can repackaging someone else's content deliver non-duplicated content to the publisher and unique value to readers? The Google Panda Update was a clear signal that content must be unique and of high quality to be eligible for top rankings.
"Can curation with original annotation and commentary pass Google's and readers' quality standards?" I asked Bruce.
"We're coming out of a recession where people don't have the time to put hours a day into doing the research to publish, unless they're fortunate. And while we may be fortunate, it doesn't necessarily make us efficient," said Bruce Clay. "And with all the other publications out there that are efficiently publishing summaries, curated content seems to be a big part of the way people eat content. So I thought that if we can do a balance of original content and curated content that was news worthy, then it'd give us variety in our published arsenal, our tools, and that would be a great thing for us."
We decided to test.
Through integration with our WordPress blog, the PublishThis curation platform allows users to search for news, articles, videos and Twitter updates. The user creates a story feed by indicating the topics, keywords and companies of interest and selecting those to include. The user can then order the stories in the feed and add their own summary, opinion and commentary to the story, or use an automatically generated excerpt of text. Full disclosure: Bruce Clay is on the advisory board of PublishThis.
When compared to an original blog post written whole-cloth, referred to as "traditional" blog content from here out, you get equal SEO value and comparable benefits of freshness and authority – in half the time. That's what we discovered through a series of tests on the Bruce Clay, Inc. blog during September and October 2012.
We wanted to see if curated blog content could have the same SEO benefit as traditional blog content. Using the SEOToolSet Ranking Monitor we measured the rankings of an aged, traditional post with stable first-page rankings for a long-tail keyword phrase. We then removed that traditional post content and replaced it with 3 varieties of curated content:
  1. Curated links with auto-generated summaries
  2. Curated links with 200+ word annotations written by the human curator, referred to from here as editorialized curation
  3. An excerpt of the original traditional post and curated links with editorialized curation
The keyword phrase we tracked was "learn how to code for internet marketing" and the blog post was from May 2012: Do Yourself a Favor. Learn to Code. (Then Teach Me.) The ranking data tells a story of the SEO value of blog posts as they morph into each of these forms.

Analyzing the Ranking Results

In the first curation variation, auto-generated summaries constitute duplicate content. As might be expected, the post's ranking dropped from the middle of the pack to the bottom.
In the second curation variation, original content returns to the page in the form of editorialized curation. The curated links are accompanied by original commentary or summary. The page's ranking jumps to the second spot.
In the final curation variation we tested, we paired an excerpt from the original traditional post with the curated links and enhanced annotations from the previous test. The post reached a #1 ranking.
Our conclusion is that when content curation comes in the form of original content, a website can achieve the benefits of fresh content without threat of negative search engine rankings. The same ranking potential can be gained from curated content with editorialized curation in significantly less time when compared to a traditional blog post.

Guidelines for Content Curation That Meets SEO Quality Standards

Obviously there are many variables that are unaccounted for and might affect rankings. However, we feel that some general best practices are revealed through this test and the guidelines for quality content outlined by Google.
1. Text should be unique on the Web.
This point needs little explanation. Duplicate content offers no value to a website. Google won't award duplicate content any meaningful rankings; rather, duplication is filtered from search results. Readers are unlikely to spend time reading duplicate content, let alone sharing it with their social networks. A general length guideline is 200+ unique words of editorialized content per curated story.
2. Sources linked to should be of high quality.
We can't definitively explain why the test post jumped from fourth position in its traditional form to first position when it contained a portion of the original post supplemented with curated links and enhanced annotations. There are too many uncontrolled ranking variables to detect the cause for the jump, including the state of competing pages. However, among the variables within our control, the addition of external links to authority sources is the differing factor. Authorities on the Web are understood to link to other authorities.
3. Add value to the collection, for instance through story-telling, new perspective or commentary.
Google's quality content guidelines expressly state:
"Think about what makes your website unique, valuable, or engaging. Make your website stand out from others in your field."
Take care that everything you publish on behalf of your brand serves a purpose, speaks to the audience in a voice of leadership, and ultimately provides a special to your audience. Curation need not be the straight reporting of facts. A collection can come together to weave a story or unveil an overlooked perspective. As with everything else, bring your creativity to your curation.
Brands today are looking for options to ease requirements for online publication. When done right, editorialized curation boosts a content strategy with content that's SEO-friendly, keyword rich and allows for authority and thought-leadership.
For permission to reprint or reuse any materials, please contact us. To learn more about our authors, please visit the Bruce Clay Authors page. Copyright © 2013 Bruce Clay, Inc.

SEO Newsletter April 2013: The Penguin & Panda Evasion Edition

The SEO Newsletter is hot off the virtual press! In April’s Penguin & Panda Evasion Edition,  readers will get inside information on what to expect from the upcoming Penguin update, how to ensure your content meets Panda standards and how to maintain long-lasting customer relationships.

In the SEO Newsletter’s Penguin & Panda Evasion edition, Bruce helps you stay off this guy’s bad side. Yikes!

Preparing for Penguin

In Expecting and Escaping Google Penguin’s Wrath, I interviewed Bruce to find out what we can expect from the Penguin update. At last month’s SMX West conference, Matt Cutts said, in no uncertain terms, that a Penguin update was on its way. Bruce shared advice on how to stay on the Google’s good side and avoid Penguin-associated penalties.

Pleasing Panda

We didn’t forget about Penguin’s friend Panda. While Penguin seeks to obliterate sites using black hat SEO techniques, Panda is on a mission to sink low-quality sites, like those with duplicate, unoriginal content.

Therefore, Virginia set out to discover how Panda processes curated content. A series of tests performed last year show that curation with enhanced annotation, or “Editorialized Curation,” is SEO-Friendly Content Curation in a Post-Panda World. Content curation is the practice of collecting, organizing and presenting content (like news articles, blog posts, infographics, etc.) around a topic. Knowing that not all businesses have the luxury of an in-house media team, content curation can be a useful and time-saving tool that generates frequent, quality content that has SEO ranking potential.
Customer Relations and Everything Else


The Tips for Long Lasting Customer Relations series continues with tips on Customer Interaction and Communication. Bruce Clay Australia SEO analyst Manuel Keppeler shares twelve key best practices when it comes to interacting with customers and clients.

The SEO Newsletter also has the latest on Google Glass and information on the highly-anticipated SMX Advanced, where both Bruce and Virginia will be speaking, plus a roundup of all the tech, SEO and SMM news that was big in April.

If you like love the SEO Newsletter, you can get it mailed directly to your mailbox by signing up.

Link Builders Share Advanced Link Building Operators

 Link Buildingb

As an SEO, it’s important to know about advanced search operators. Some people say that it’s just an easy way to find what you’re looking for, but I think it more than that. I’ll share my link building strategies that involve search operators for link building. First we need to know the basic search operators in order to know the advanced ones.

Basic Search Operators:
  • intext:
  • inanchor:
  • inurl:
  • intitle:
  • site:
  • allinanchor:
  • allintext:
  • allintitle:
  • allinurl:
  • author:
  • cache:
  • define:
  • ext:
  • filetype:
  • id:
  • info:
  • insubject
  • link:
  • source:
Combine these basic search operators with the right keywords and command search engines to give you more specific search results. Years of manual link building has given me better results than using link building tools. I continue to practice different methods and have always relied on search operators to find good link building opportunities.

Search Operators for Blog Commenting:
  • “keyword” site:.gov inurl:blog "post a comment"
  • “keyword” site:.edu inurl:blog "post a comment"
  • “keyword” "This blog uses premium CommentLuv"
  • “keyword” "Notify me of follow-up comments?"
  • “keyword” "add to this list" site:squidoo.com
Using these advanced search operators you’ll be able to find blogs related to your industry where you can leave your comment and a link. You can find .edu, .gov, commentluv enabled blogs, Squidoo lenses, hubpages and do follow comment blogs to drop off some links through blog commenting.

Search Operators for Guest Blogging:
  • “keyword” guest writer
  • “keyword” guest blog post writer
  • “keyword” submit content
  • “keyword” submit article
  • “keyword” submit post
  • “keyword” submit blog post
  • “keyword” add article
  • “keyword” add blog post
  • “keyword” add content
  • “keyword” guest blogger wanted
These advanced search operators are for searching websites that offers guest blogging opportunities. Guest blogging is one of the best way to build links as it’s not only for increasing your website rank through search engine authority but can also play a major role in generating leads. Search engines prefer article links from informative content and give more credit to the over time.

Search Operators for Directory & Resource Listing
  • “keyword” directory
  • “keyword” * directory
  • directory * “keyword”
  • intitle:directory "keyword"
  • inurl:directory "keyword"
  • "list of “keyword” sites"
  • "list * “keyword” sites"
  • "list * “keyword” * sites"
  • "recommended links" “keyword"
  • "recommended sites" keyword"
  • "favorite links" keyword"
  • "favorite sites" keyword"
These advanced search operators are for searching directories and websites that have a resource list page, recommended site page or a favorite site page. These are great if you’re doing local SEO. If you’re a local wedding planner, you should probably be looking for websites that are related to your niche, wedding planning. A good start would be to search for catering companies, photographers, etc and reach out to them for a guest article in trade for adding your to their preferred vendors list.

Search Operators for Forum Posting
  • “Keyword” forum
  • "keyword forum"
  • intitle:”keyword” forum
  • inurl:”keyword” forum
Forum posting is one way to build links and these advanced search operators are really helpful when search for niche forums. I haven’t been using these for some time now but I think this still works.

Author Bio:

Al Gregorios, Content Manager for Project Assistant with Business in a Box solutions, enjoys discovering and sharing business strategies for online marketing, CRM, project management, mobile marketing and technical publications.

Leading Five SEO Blunders According To Matt Cutts

 Leading Five SEO Blunders According To Matt Cutts

Matt Cutt

In a freshly released Webmaster video , Matt Cutts , Google lead of search spam , outlined off the top 5 SEO errors webmasters make.

Matt said these are generally not the most horrible errors , but alternatively , the most frequent mistakes.

(1) Without having a site or even having a site that is not crawlable is the gravest blunder he sees.
(2) Not containing the correct words on the web page.The instance Matt gave is : don’t just write , “Mt . Everest Height” but write , “How high is Mt . Everest ?” due to the fact that is how people search.
(3) Don’t manage building back links , look at compelling content and promoting .
(4) Don’t overlook to think about the title and description of your vital web pages .
(5) Not utilizing webmaster resources and researching how Google operates and just what SEO is all about .

As a result , those are Matt’s leading five SEO blunders .

How to Optimize Videos for SEO - Infographic

How to Optimize Videos for SEO - Infographic


How to Optimize Videos for SEO
Video is an engaging way to publicize your company , products and services in a convenient to digest format for customers .It is so advantageous that 64% of website visitors usually tend to purchase a product online after watching a video.

In what way will you maximize your online videos so that they present in search engines like Google , Bing and Yahoo? LocalVox has collected a summary of six steps to optimizing your videos for SEO success in the infographic below.

Inform us : Are you currently using video SEO in your online marketing mix?


How To Optimize Videos for SEO infographic

Google Analytics Report On "Customer Trip to On-line Buy"

Google Analytics Explains The Customer Purchase Journey In New Report

Google Analytics Logo

The Google Analytics blog introduced the latest benchmark system which can be made up of statistics and analytics from 36 ,000 Google Analytics accounts to facilitate your understand the online buy pattern of customers from 11 sectors in 7 nations around the world.

You may have fun with the interactive system over below . You can cleaning by these 11 sectors , Automobile , Business , Classified/Local , CPG , Edu/Gov , Finance , Health , Media , Retail , Technology , and Travel . You can also filter by these 7 nations around the world , Brazil , Canada , France , Germany , Japan , U.K. and U.S

Infographic Post By Google

Monday, 29 April 2013

On Page Optimization

On Page SEO Optimization is a procedure to bring your website on to the top pages of google. On page seo optimization are the methods of which you have to do by your self such as developing content, research keywords, meta tags,keyword density, page headings, keyword density and internal linking. On page seo optimization refers to aspects that have an effect on your Website or Website listing in natural listings. On-page optimization consist of actual HTML code, meta tags,keyword density and keyword placement. The most important On page include the title-tag, several META-Tags,statements,content optimization,alt- and title-attributes.

On Page Optimization

On Page Optimization Techniques:

Keyword research:

Keyword research is the first step to starting the long run running a blog. If you are in the planning to revenue your blogs with some advertising companies such as Google Adsense then you must be researchhigh targeted keywords and words for generate reasonable quantity. There are many software to studying the keywords and words of which mostly used by customers such as Word Tracker system. Google own key word Tool just type keywords or keyword phrases and check you will get lot of recommendation you can sort it by worldwide queries or in the area search.
Domain Name :

Having your own domain is better because if u using any  yourblogname.blogspot.com  after some days if u want to purcahse your own domain and changing domain name it will be difficult to improve audience and we have to work hard from starting.Try to include your main keywords in your domain name.Sign-up your domain address long lasting.The longer the signing up the most reliable by google.


Title is major aspect for on page seo optimization. Title will likely be between <title> Website Title </title>include your main keywords in your title and title should be upto 70 words including spaces and not more than 70 words.Change title for different pages <title> Blog title</title>.Title
is displayed at the top of your website in the SERPs. Title should contain no greater than around 10-12 words.

Meta Description:

Search engines like google use description tag and place your keywords at starting of meta description <META NAME="description" content="Your Description Here">.

Meta Keywords:

Search is now not mentioned meta keywords and words, but use less website  keyword tags, meta keywords and words using the seo is still worth something to have your site rank<META NAME="Keywords" content="Your Keywords Here">


Headings H1, H2, H3 have important role in on page seo optimization. Headings look like <h1>  </h1> search engines.H1 heading tag  is very powerful  and H2 tag in same way H1 < H2 < H3 < H4 < H5 < H6. H1 tag is important but don’t use H1 many times in the same post. Always use H1 tag only once in every pages of blogs and we can use H2 tags more than once and like wise H3.We can mostly use H3 heading tags.

Content :

Content is the king for seo but your articles must have your targeted keywords and key phrases. Try to use those keywords and key phrases in the content and boost your articles web page for some specific words means one or two but not enough words simple way use your recommended keywords by keywords tool in to your publish page it will increase the chances for finding the traffic and involve your primary keyword in first passage of your post but in no way stuffed.

Keyword Density :
Keyword density should be between 1% - 4% if your keyword density be 6% or 8% then your could be prohibited by significant search engines like Google. Keyword density means if you create 100 words and use 'SEO' two times, then your look for term keyword density will be 2%. You can examine for keywords also. Use this resource for Keyword Density Checker.

 Internal Linking :

Internal links means put your current publish URL into the post which is relevant to the current one and for make a link use Anchor Text with search phrases relevant to publish of which you want to add link because in the content place the connecting is most reliable by the Google. Being links in sidebar or in footer it is also in benefit but in the content place it is more highly effective in SEO for on page search engine optimization.

Useful Gadgets :

In  sidebars put recent post gadget  and  add gadget which contains the categories of your content. If it is  blogger account then it is know as Blog Archive widget.

Outbound Links :

Outbound links are links which are points to other sites from your site and outbound links should not be more than 100. Try to keep links which are related to your niche which is very useful and easy for serch engines and vistors.

URL Naming:

Aim your main  targeted keywords, if unmoving does not include your keywords in the url.

Use Alt Text for Image Optimization:

Display  your content using Alt tag  with targeted keywords to optimize the Images.

Static URL:

Make sure that  important pages should be short and static URLs.

Valid HTML:

Use the W3C HTML validator on your page's HTML is valid. A web page which is having more  HTML errors will create not rank well in SERPS.

Robot. Txt:

Your website for search engines with robots.txt file you can restrict access. Check on your website with robot.txt .

Sitemap XML:

 Create your XML Sitemap XML Sitemap using search engines crawl your pages.

Internal Link:

Internal link between the related posts.

On Page Optimization Tips

  • Place the most important keyword phrase close the beginning of the page title.Title must be less than 65 characters.
  •  Title must be less than 65 characters and  place the important key phrase at the beginning of the page.
  •  Meta description must be short and see that it must be only 1 or 2 sentences.
  • H1 tag is the most important and  must be used only once per page .Use H2 and H3 tags fro sub headers.
  •  For images use ALT tag so that the crawler easily know about images.
  •  Use  hyphens to separate words and keyword phrases in file name.
  •  Create a valid robot.txt file and a HTML site map for crawler and user.
  • Use keyword phrase in Anchor text.
  •  Add RSS feed button and add Social Media sharing button.
  •  Use  fresh, unique, useful content on your site.
  •  See that  site content in between 300 to 500 words.and  keywords % must be 3 to 5%.

Google EMD update

EMD Algorithm Update

EMD Update is to decrease low quality exact match domains in search results. EMD update concentrates on eliminating the low quality or spam exact match domains. Seo is well-known for implementing sites that use exactly the keywords that a site is optimizing for. For example, if a website owner desired an easy direction to the top of the search results for the keyword and key phrase “Blogger Seo Tips,” he or she would make an effort to register the domain www.BloggerSeoTips.com. Exact-match domains have always had a significantly good effect on rankings. Business owners of exact-match sites for highly targeted keywords have long rankings and the success of highly-targeted look for visitors that out comes. The greater part of them absence high quality content, and instead are stuffed with keyword-rich, worthless content that look great to search engine spider but are worthless to individual users. Those who own these sites benefit them with ads and online links, looking after only for the money and nothing for the user.

Google EMD update

Google EMD update

Tips to Recover from Google EMD Algorithm

1.Eliminate all content on your EMD site that is of low quality. Remove content if it is written for only search engines and provide quality and value content to users.

2.Identify and remove spam inbound links  which  cause negative results as soon as possible .

3.Add social share buttons to all of your content.

4.Add  fresh and quality content to your website.

5.Implement SEO link-building strategy to increase your site's reliability.

6.Participate in a social media campaign.

Google Authorship Profile

Google Authorship permits you to recognize as author of website by Google. It's the way for Google to prevent spam pages from showing within the search results as individuals would commit less spam once their name gets hooked up with the content. Google Authorship permits you to link your Google plus profile to the content you create. Google authorship verification you'll get your image highlighted simply before every and each link of your web site in SERPs.

Verification of Google Authorship :
Google Authorship

In order to verify your Google Authorship follow the process below:

  • Sign up for Google plus and create your Google+ profile
  • Update your profile photo for sure.
  • Make a point your name matches the name on your Google + profile
  • To verify your authorship click on the verification link plus.google

Google Authorship


Author Rank could be a score that's primarily based upon and reflective of a writer’s productivity the score could also be changed or weighted in varied ways in which specified a number of the product is treated as a lot of valuable than different product. If your rank as an author is nice, there are more possibilities that your content would rank above others beneath same class.

Following the rules given below would assist you to realize additional name as an repute author.
  • Create content that demonstrates our experience and produce a lot of content on the topics within which you wish to rank higher.
  • Add link to each web site you're an author from your Google + page. Help improve the name, and show the worth, of our field.
  • Provide quality articles underneath your name in order that its useful for the user. If the user comes checking out your article or spends longer on the articles written by you then there more probabilities that links to additional content written by you'd be shown by Google within the search results.

301 Redirect iis,php,asp.net,java,Cgiperl,ruby

301 Redirect(What is 301 Redirect)

The 301 redirect is an efficient way of webpage redirection, It is used whan you redesigen website. This HTTP code stands for 'moved permanently' .If you are changing URL of webpage as it is diplayed in search engine results than yous should use a server side 301 rediret. The 301 status code means that a page has permanently moved to a new location.


  • How to create Redirect
  • How to set up 301 Redirect for
  • 301 Redirect-IIS redirect
  • 301 Redirect-Cold Fusion redirect
  • 301 Redirect-PHP redirect
  • 301 Redirect-ASP Redirect
  • 301 Redirect-ASP.NET Redirect
  • 301 Redirect-JSP(JAVA)Redirect
  • 301 Redirect-RUBY ON RAILS Redirect
  • 301 Redirect-Redirect old domain to new domain

How to create Redirect

The 301 redirect is an efficient way of webpage redirection, It is used whan you redesigen website. This HTTP code stands for 'moved permanently' .If you are changing URL of webpage as it is diplayed in search engine results than you should use a server side 301 rediret. The 301 status code means that a page has permanently moved to a new location.The 301 redirect can be implemented by creating a .htaccess file in Apache servers.The process to create 301 redirects depends on the web server being used.BAelow are the details of how to use 301 Redirects on different platforms.

IIS Redirect

  • IT is a very simple five step method
  • First go into your internet services manager, than right click on the file or folder you want to redirect
  • Second is Select the radio titled "a redirection to a URL".
  • Third is Enter the redirection page
  • Fourth is Check "The exact url entered above" and the "A permanent redirection for this resource"
  • Finally Click on 'Apply'

ColdFusion Redirect

<.cfheader statuscode="301" statustext="Moved permanently">
<.cfheader name="Location" value="http://www.new-url.com">

PHP Redirect

Header( "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently" );
Header( "Location: http://www.new-url.com" );

ASP Redirect

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
Response.Status="301 Moved Permanently"
Response.AddHeader "Location","http://www.new-url.com/"

ASP .NET Redirect

<script runat="server">
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
Response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently";

JSP (Java) Redirect

response.setHeader( "Location", "http://www.new-url.com/" );
response.setHeader( "Connection", "close" );

CGI PERL Redirect

$q = new CGI;
print $q->redirect("http://www.new-url.com/");

Ruby on Rails Redirect

def old_action
headers["Status"] = "301 Moved Permanently"
redirect_to "http://www.new-url.com/"

Redirect Old domain to New domain (htaccess redirect)

(1)First create a .htaccess file with the below code.
(2)Place it into the root directory of your website.
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule (.*) http://www.newdomain.com/$1 [R=301,L]
(3)Now REPLACE www.newdomain.com in the above code with your actual domain name.

Redirect to www (htaccess redirect)

(1) First create a .htaccess file with code,it will redirect all request to www.domain.com.
(2)Place the .htaccess file into the root directory.
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on
rewritecond %{http_host} ^domain.com [nc]
rewriterule ^(.*)$ http://www.domain.com/$1 [r=301,nc]
(3)Now finally REPLACE domain.com and www.newdomain.com with your actual domain name.

What is a Link Disavow Tool

Google has come up with a new Google Disavow Link, to save your website if you have been spanked by Google’s Penguin update. This tool is designed with an intent to help website owners who has suffered because of Black Hat SEO techniques. Now you can ask disavow tool to overlook any spam links backlinked to your website.

What is a Link Disavow Tool
What is a Link Disavow Tool

Why is it used?

If your website is being manhandled by unethical black hat SEO backlinking techniques, then Disavow Tool will be very helpful to clean those spam backlinks and eventually, your website will race up the ranks. The basic work of Disavow Tool is to allow you to tell Google not to consider bad links that backlinks to your site. Whether you have done this yourself or conned by a Black Hat SEO, this tools lets you provide Google a list of links that you do not want to consider anymore. 
However, Google does not consider your request as a must-do, rather, it considers your request as a very strong suggestion and analyze the links themselves before placing them in the ignore list. This tool is used to remove all kinds of blog spam, tinned spam, comment spam, low quality links and any other unsavory links. If Google’s Penguin update has led to penalization of your website because of these bad links, this tool will help you get back on your own feet.

How to use this tool?

In order to use Disavow Tool, you need to login as an “Owner” in Google’s Webmaster Tool. Now you can access Disavow Links page. Once you are on this page, you can upload a simple text file with all the links and domains that you want Google to ignore. You can any time edit this page buy downloading this text file and re-editing it. But, you need to be very careful in doing so and should be very careful about disavowing a link because once a link is disavowed, it takes very long to re-avow that link. Even if Google reconsider a link, Google might not give the link, same consideration as in the past.

Effect of Disavow Tool

To start with, this is not a regular Mom & Dad Tool with a website and who like to do casual SEO. This tool is for power users and business owners who have been severely slapped by Google’s search engine’s new algorithm and need to sweep off stale and unfit links to climb up on website ranking. This tool is supposed to be used with caution or else, it can have a devastating impact on your Google page rank. If you are unfortunately attacked by black hat SEOs and you are suffering with tons of bad backlinks, Disavow Tool could be a savior.
Authored by Sarah Bruce. An SEO analyst, who predominantly works on removing Negative feedback from websites, Do you wish to Remove negative reviews about your Business/Services?

How To Increase Traffic in 2013

How to increase traffic in 2013 with on page optimization.After the google panda update and change in google algorithm it is mandatory to change the seo strategy for traffic.

google has updated the panda and it caused the lots of website ranking up and down ,various leading websites and blogs are far away from the first page of google and various new websites are ranking higher .if you want to know how they increased their traffic and what are the changes in google panda .read this:- 2013 google panda update for blogger and seo.so what is the reason of their GOOGLE ranking .simply they changed their SEO methods to rank higher in google search results.read this also:-8 Proven methods to increase alexa rank and page rank

How to increase traffic in 2013.

  • Focus  on page optimization.
  • Use H1 and H2 tag.
  • Internal links.
  • Specific Labels.
  • Use of anchor text.
  • Avoid Link List.
On page optimization is mandatory to rank in 2013.keep all factors in mind like:-

Use of h1 and h2 tag.

Use your description with h2 tag.well in blogger you can do it by clicking in edit html in post section and then add two tags like this.
<h2> Post description</h2>
It will give you better results in terms of traffic and seo.h2 tag play very important role in bringing traffic for blogs. And in 2013 to drive traffic it is mandatory.

Incoming links.

Add as many as links of ypur previous post in your post.there are two benefits of this .first all those links you add will get backlinks and second benefits is you will get traffic for your other posts as well. it is the best trick to engage the user.

Less labels ,avoid useless labels

According to labnol which are also explaining that avoid too many labels use only relevent and specific labels.if you do this you will see increase in traffic for your blog or website.

Anchor text.

Anchor text will play very important role to increase traffic for your blog from google search results.any time you add incoming links in your post than add your anchor text for those links it is the very useful and beneficial methods to drive traffic for your blog.i am using this technique and i can see increase in my traffic .this 2013 has been good for me .because my rank is going higher and higher  and i am also getting organic search results with above listed methods.

No heavily link list in the end of the page.

Do not put too may links in the end of the post i think not more than 10.i have seen many blogs which puts too many links like 20-30 .now this trick will not work in 2013 to increase traffic use few links in the end of the post well these are some on page optimization factors in 2013 to increase traffic. well if you still have the questions like how to increase traffic in 2013.feel free to comment.

Kill spammy links

Google has launched link disavow tool through which you can kill spammy links of your website.for more information read this.what is link disavow tool


Backlinks play an very important role in ranking your webpages.simply more backlinks more you will get organic search results.

Avoid copied content.
If you want to increase traffic in 2013 than first thing is avoid using copied content.do not copy any others content because that content would have been indexed by google and hence will work as a penalty for you if you use anyone else's content.but here is a trick what if you get backlink if someone copies your content.but how to do this read this article:-Get backlinks if someone copying website content.

The Top 3 Ways To Grow Your Website Following

What follows are the top 3 ways to grow your website following and it is important to point out that there is nothing difficult about these ways, but there is no doubt that these methods do work and have proven to be successful for a number of people. You are advised to consider doing all three in order to really benefit because the more visitors, the better the chance of you earning from your site.

Use Social Media To Your Advantage

Social media has changed the internet in the last decade and if you have a website, then you are going to want to have a profile on several of the major social media websites such as Twitter and Facebook to name only two. The reason for this is that you can then actively target people that will tend to have some interest in what your website is about and start to build a relationship with them. By doing this, you will start to grow your website following. With your profile, make sure that you add as much information as possible and interact with people rather than your page being static. You’ll want to come across as a page owner that has passion for what he or she’s doing and people will then click through to your website.

Use Search Engine Optimization

Another way is to make sure that your website is optimized for the search engines because the higher you rank on the search results pages, then the amount of traffic that you get will also increase as it is a well known fact that people trust the links that appear higher up than those that languish several pages down. You need to, therefore, learn about keywords, backlinks, and make sure that you get yourself listed on various directories to help with your optimization and if you do not know the basics, then find somebody that does and use their knowledge to your advantage.

Make Sure Your Content Is Fresh And Interesting

The third thing is to make sure that what you have on your website is considered as content that is fresh and interesting because it then means that not only will people keep coming back, but they will also tell others to check you out and this is the point where things can start to go viral. Every single time you add something to your website you should then do a thing called pinging whereby you tell the various search engines that changes have been made and this will also bring in more traffic and people will start bookmarking your site to keep track of what you are doing and saying.
Those are the top 3 ways to grow your website following and each one works in a slightly different way, but there is no doubt that by doing them you will see an increase in the traffic to your website relatively quickly. Another strategy that I consider very effective and is falsely viewed by some is to buy traffic. Try it out once if you haven’t yet, it’s worth every cent. Just remember to keep working at your site to continue to build followers and never think your work is done or all of that effort will have been for nothing.

3 Awesome Ways to Grow Your Twitter Following

Ways to grow Your Twitter Following | Tips to increase your twitter Followers | How to get traffic from twitter | How twitter can give you enormous traffic |Best Methods For twitter traffic.

Do you have a Twitter account with a few followers and are you looking for ways to grow your Twitter following? It may seem impossible at first but in reality, you do not need a miracle to achieve Twitter success. You can witness an incredible growth on your Twitter following by implementing easy but highly effective Twitter secrets. Most marketers and users make a mistake of waiting for their Twitter following to grow naturally. Although it is possible to naturally grow your following, your followers will be below expectations if you do not add expertise and creativity. There are many techniques that you can use to enhance your Twitter following, but some are more effective than others are. The top 3 ways to grow your Twitter following include

Participating in Chats

The best way that you can increase your following incredibly is by participating in Twitter chats. Chats provide an effective way of meeting, networking and engaging with new individuals’ that share a similar interest with you. Twitter has many chats with varying discussion topics. Since it is impossible to follow all Twitter chats, you should choose the most ideal chats that offer you with better chances of growing your followers. In chats, you should not only target followers but you should also target quality followers. Quality followers refer to followers that can help you achieve your goal. For example, if you are a marketer, you should target chats that most likely feature your target buyers. You should also take part in answering questions on the chats. This will help other followers recognize your expertise and hence, follow you.

Utilizing Twitter Tools

Twitter has many tools that can help you increase your followers easily and effectively. The tools are designed to increase your effort and result ratio. This is by enabling you to access many followers with every single chat or activity. Some of the tools that you can utilize include Socialbro, Triberr and Buffer among others. Triberr is a bloggers platform that helps bloggers to promote their content by sharing on the Twitter. This tool will help you acquire the following of other experts. Socialbro helps you determine the best time for tweeting, scheduling and finding followers. Buffer helps you schedule tweets easily. You should also take advantage of other social networking tools such as linking your tweeter account with your Facebook and LinkedIn accounts. This enables you to grow your followers overboard.

Create a Strong Appealing Profile

Your Twitter profile will have a great impact on the number of your followers. This is because people will first check your profile before they can follow you. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure your Twitter profile is engaging. However, ensure that you have an initial audience to work with; buy Twitter followers. You can improve your profile by adding a profile photo. Research has proved that most people trust faces that they have seen on various occasions. The best image should be your face for a personal account and a logo for your business account. Adding a smiling face will make you even more attractive. You should also create a detailed biography of whom you are and why people should follow you.
Incoming search terms
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BACKLINKS List of High PR sites that accept Backlinks

Backlinks List High PR Websites that acept backlinks.List of Follow and No Follow Attribute.Best Informative Article Ever.

Backlinks List of sites that accept backlinks,These Websites are high PR websites and they allow you to submit your website into their database and get listed and indexed by google or yahoo soon.Ae we all know backlinks are the very important part of the success of website or blog.without backlinks it is impossible to get indexed by the search engine and hence no traffic and no money.I have written lots of article about Backlinks so if you want to know in detail about them than just click on the left side and study them very carefully.
It becomes very tuff for new bloggers to promote their blog or website because they do not know the high page rank website today i am uploading names of websites which allow you to submit your post with images and short description but some of them use "nofollow" attibute.and others are with "follow"attribute.


If you really want to know than click on this link and study it very carefully How to create and build backlinks through Google and Alexa This article will explain you all the secrets of google and alexa so that you can generate backlinks and get indexed by the google.


  1. Meta Tags
  2. Keywords
  3. Frequency of updates
  4. Internal linking 
  5. Google friendly page structure.


As i explained you that you need backlinks for the success of any website and blog.but it does not mean that you submit your page links anywhere .the website where you are submitting your link it must have a good page rank only than you could get benefit of that backlink otherwise it can lower your blog's or website page rank. because google first looks how many pages are pointing or linking to your link or a page and if it has a good one than it will display and put your page in search results.but if your geeting backlinks from lower page rank website or blogs than you will lower your page rank also so always try to get backlinks from high page rank websites.


Yes it is true only backlinks can not put you in search results now a days google algorithm have improved and without niche content and google friendly Meta tags and Keywords it is quits tough to get on the first page of google..you can use various tools to generate meta tags but there is no any better tah Google himself so if you want know what are those google tools than visit these page how to create meta tags with the help of google insights and google zeitgeist
                                                         Another most important factor for the success of your blog is keywords without keywords google and other search engine can not find you there are like your address of your blog or website so you need to learn how to find the proper keywords and how to put them in url or just use file name or path name .you can learn this on one of the best and most liked article at here importance of keywords. and if you want to know how to get on the top of google tahn study this researched and most facebook liked articlewe are on the first page of google in two months.



  1. educause

  1. w3blog.dk
  2. http://comluv.com
  3. eartheasy.com/blog
  4. socialtimes
  5. siarchives.si.edu/blog/
  1. links.org.au
  2. blondish.net
  3. www.seobythesea.com
  1. basicblogtips
  2. weblogbetter
  3. bloggingwithoutablog
  4. wordpress-websitebuilder.com
  5. bluehatseo
  1. myblog2day
  2. techpatio
  3. techtricksworld.com
  4. techwork.dk


  1. Squiddo
  2. Slashdot.org
  3. Ezinearticle.com
  4. A1-webmaks.com
  5. Hubpages.com
  6. buzzle.com
  7. Amplify.com
  8. Snipsly.com
  9. Shetoldme.com
  10. Goarticles.com
  11. Idealmarketers.com
  12. Infobarrel.com
  13. Articleblat.com
  14. Redgage.com
  15. jeqq.com
  16. Best reviewer.com
  17. Bookmarkdofollow.com
  18. Mylinkvault.com
  19. Wikinut.com
  20. Webmasterpligg.com
  21.  AddLinkList.com
  22. WritingMafia.com
  23. DiggDirect.com
  24. KarmaLynx.com
  25. IMO.in

11 Proven Method To Increase Index Rate with Google Plus

Do you want to know How to increase Alexa rank and get organic search results.well here is proof which Increase my Alexa rank and the Secret is continuous Updating of Blog or increase the frequency of updates on your blog to increase Ranking.

increase alexa rank and Page rank with continuous updation of blog
increase alexa rank and Page rank with continuous updation of blog
Well you have landed on this page just to know 'how to increase alexa rank" and what are the factors and tricks and tips which "increase alexa rank",i find lots of bloggers who try to "increase alexa rank" and also struggle to "increase alexa rank" but they are unaware of the fact which 'increases alexa rank" so if you want to "increase alexa rank" than just go on and read this article which has some proof that will show you the way to "increase your Blog or website alexa rank".

How to increase alexa Rank.

First i want to state that i have been running Three blogs where i am taking two very seriously and one as a fun and for research purpose and also to check my Search engine optimization strategis.which are like this:-

So  this article is based on research and experiment tried on this blogs.

1 Proof:-

I had not updated Free java script since 16 the december 2012 .It had been one and half month sincee i updated my website at that time my "alexa page rank"

16th December 2012 4,91,523 98,127
14th February 2013 4,83,221 93,127
15th February 4,71,563 89,787
16th February 4,55,157 72,148
These are the results of Free Php Script you can see how "continuous updation of blog increase alexa page rank" and if you keep 'continue updation of blog" with organic search marketing you will start getting organic search results and "get backlinks" and if the process continues for some period of time you will see your mostly posts on the "first page of google".you can see variations in "alexa rank" between 14-16th february the "alexa rank" is getting higher with larger margins.so 'continuity of blog updating" will lift the rank with large and big margins.

5 Necessary things to do with Continuous Blog Updates:-

Well if you are thinking that "continuous blog update" and only this will lead you to the first page of google search results than please stop here you need to few things with frequency of updates on blog.

If you do this with blog update to increase alexa rank and page rank you will see your posts on google first page  .

Few Example Website which Regularly Update:

An entertainment website full of celebrity wallpapers and gossip .this website daily posts 5 post and its "alexa rank and page rank is continuously increasing".
Approximate Daily Posts= 5

Santabanta website with page rank 5 update frequency is approximately more than 20 and it has tremendous  "alexa rank" and "page rank".

A website with "blogger tipscontinuously updates with guest post and admin post it's frequency of update is more than 10.definately increasing "page rank" and "alexa rank".

A webiste enabled with comment luv updated daily it's 'alexa rank" and "page rank' are going higher and higher .

So this are some examples of website who increases their page rank and alexa rank with continuous blog update ,puts keywords in url,comment on dofollow,avoid copy website content and many other things to increase alexa rank and page rank.

We are on Google first 1st page in 2 months:case study

how do you get on the first page of google.Best method to take your website to the first page google with use of meta tag,backlink,social bookmarking,comments.

A complete step by step process to get on the top of google search engine results:case study and best internet marketing article ever.Thanks to google first for throwing us on google's first page.i am writing this article after the success of our blog which is Bestofshayari and our 10 posts are on google's first page.i read various article about "how to be on google's first page" but truly nothing helped me in great way so i decided to do it in my own way and believe me it really worked.belive me this methods are very basic to be on the first page google and very basic for a new blogger who always asks me "how do you get on the first page of google".if you follow these above mentioned methods soon you will be on the first page google.
Before that i would like you to state that i also visited pages like "Get your website on first page of google and yahoo" and many more like this. but you know many websites does not tell you all the secrets because of one fear and that is insecurity ,but today we are going to explore all the secrets of how do you get on the first page of google after hard work ,yes it is true there is no any shortcut but i will explain you the hard work in easy way and get you top on the first page google.so lets start.

(1)Collect Meta tags to be on the first page google.

First thing that you have to do is collecting meta tags.lots of webmasters says that meta tags are not as important but in reality they lie.meta tags are still a very important part of google search engines.when Google search engines scan your websites or blogs they look for your meta tags also even it is said by matt cutts(google engineer !!yes very rich!! ).who has described in a video explains how do you get on the first page of google.
I explain you this by one example what you do when you read a book first you go on to index page and than checks out the content of the book your meta tags and labels are like the index list of your website or blog. you want to learn what is meta tag and what is label.ok so now questions is how to get relevant and good meta tags for your website or blog.so go to google or any search engine and type any thing that you are interested in like "cell phone signatures"now you can see the results .that post is on the first page google.
Than open website and right click anywhere and click view-source now you are able to see their meta tags.simple copy them on notepad file and do more research for many websites meta tag now write your article keeping in mind those meta tags and now i can assure you that soon you will be on google's first page.

(2)Social Bookmarking through my way to be on the first page of google.

Yes, i have also used facebook, twitter, digg stumbleupon and google plus for the marketing of my blog and to get on the top of google search results. but i have done little bit in different way .suppose you crested a post for how to become reach in network marketing than remember when you share such post on social bookmarking websites you have to write it very cleverly like rather writing "how to become reach in network marketing" you must write !!!SECRET How i got success in network marketing !!!i did many such tricks to get traffic for Bestofshayari now even you can see the difference,you are more attracted towards the second one ,thats it and one more thing it does not affect your main link,because when you share any post on facebook or any other site they allow you to edit the title and description of your post there you can edit them in more way and can attract lots of visitors to your blog.
And the same thing can be done with other social bookmarking sites these tricks will solve your questions which is how do you get on the first page of google.

(3)How comments brought us traffic and put us first page google.

Yes we posted comments very differently not like the others like you are very interesting you are skilled blogger .NEVER dot that because no one like them always use simple comments like what you feel about their websites not only good things but at least one bed too.it will force viewers to focus on your comment and the chances are higher to get clicked on link and get traffic.do unlimited commenting and even comment on non relevant blog.
This is a totally false opinion that you must always get links from relevant websites well i would have followed such opinion i could never get on google first page or front page.so after few posts on my blog i used to start comment on every blog and websites which have comment options i actually did not see even the page rank of websites i just started commenting in bulk with my blog link and the result is my blog is on first page of google.
So in the start for success don't think too much about page rank and relevancy but just try to get traffic any way and soon your pages are get indexed by google than you don't have to worry about traffic and may be by the grace of Google you will be on the first page google.

(4) Traffic from social bookmarking website puts you higher in (SERP)search engine results pages ,Here is the proof whe we are on the first page google.

Yes it is true is you are getting high traffic from social bookmarking sites or social community sites than surely in one week you will be higher in google search results i am not telling this anyway i have proof for this .well in my blog http://bestofshayari.blogspot.com ,we posted one post named as cell phone signatures and the result was lots of people clicked on the link and in two months that single post has more than 1000 page views and in google search results you can type "CUTE CELL PHONE SIGNATURE","FUNNY CELL PHONE SIGNATURES" and many more keyword like this and you will see bestofshayari.blogspot.com is on the top and not only top it has google one rank in (SERP).so this way i am on first page google.
I am also exclaimed how did this happen but i when i made a research on that topic knew that it is all because of social bookmarking traffic.so rather than making comments and struggling for backlink you must go on to social bookmarking websites in order to be on the google first page.and believe me it will work.and you will be amazed and would answer of the question which says "how to get on the google first page" well why on the first page be on the 1st first rank in google search results.

(5)One simple way to get backlinks in fair and legit way which plays main role to be first page google.

I am telling you this secret well because of this lots of webmasters and developer would be angry because i am telling you not only the way but also how to use them for good search results and get on the first page of google.and that way is register your website or blog into sites like giving website information,there are many website which will register your website and as you register your website in two three days when you will search your website in google by typing domain name of your website than you will see they are showing your site details .
And hence you got backlinks.i cant tell you the names of website here if you will add comment than i will be able to tell you the few websites which register your website and give you backlinks soon. so please comment me.and i hope you have found the answer of the questions for how to get on the google first page ..belive me this methods are very basic to be on the first page google and very basic for a new blogger who always asks me "how do you get on the first page of google".if you follow these above mentioned methods soon you will be on the first page google.